About Us

SEMA Toastmasters
Stand Up & Stand Out!

Sema Toastmasters was formed in 2008 to accommodate a growing demand for the benefits offered by Toastmasters International. The club provides a home for various people from various walks of life who want to be better speakers and leaders. 

Toastmasters International is a non-profit educational organisation that teaches public speaking and leadership skills through a network of worldwide clubs. Sema is one of these clubs and so are several others in Kenya.  Some of the benefits of joining a Toastmasters Club include:

  1. Improved Public Speaking Skills
  2. Building Leadership Skills
  3. Networking in a small, supportive environment
  4. Self-confidence & Awareness

Toastmasters International uses an education program called Pathways. This is an online learning tool that allows you to leverage multiple workplace skills such as project management, conflict resolution, leadership development, interview preparation among others. More information on Toastmasters can be found at: All About Toastmasters

The club tagline, Stand Up, Stand Out is a reminder to members to put their best foot forward in their Toastmasters journey. We can only Stand Out by Standing Up. 

Feel free to visit us to get a feel of the Sema Toastmasters Club Experience. We charge a guest fee of Kshs. 300/= (online meetings do not incur a guest fee)

This year executive committee 2024/25

President: Elishibah Msengeti Poriot

Vice President Education: Princess Eguchi

Vice President Membership: Lorna Abaki

Vice President Public Relations: Traicy Akinyi Mamou

Secretary: Grace Njuguna

Treasurer: Irene Sadia

Sergeant at Arms: Natasha Muchua

Immediately Past President: Faith Gathungu